Bottom row L-R: Char, ?, ?, ?, Beaver, Mary Martin, ?, ?, ? ,Ruth (Took Ellie's place that year),?, Judy Globinger (Glob), me (Linda,Mouse), Sue Frish,???
Middle row: ?, Sukie, Dee, ?, Ram (Cathy Ramirez), Max (Maxine Klein, twin), K.B., ? Dusty, ?, ?, Peri, Boni, ?, ?, ?, ?, "Danish girl", ?, ?, ?
Top row: ?, Moe (Maureen McConnell), Ruth Klein (twin), Mary Lynch (office manager),?, ?, Ruth Henderson (Sunny), Kathy (ass't. office manager),?, ?, ?, Gus (Nancy Augustus), Grace Aldag, Lena Neilson, Ellen Muth, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
Middle row: ?, Sukie, Dee, ?, Ram (Cathy Ramirez), Max (Maxine Klein, twin), K.B., ? Dusty, ?, ?, Peri, Boni, ?, ?, ?, ?, "Danish girl", ?, ?, ?
Top row: ?, Moe (Maureen McConnell), Ruth Klein (twin), Mary Lynch (office manager),?, ?, Ruth Henderson (Sunny), Kathy (ass't. office manager),?, ?, ?, Gus (Nancy Augustus), Grace Aldag, Lena Neilson, Ellen Muth, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?

Bottom L-R: Maureen (accountant?) Max, ?, Char, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Ass't. Director
(Maureen's sister and good friend of Ellie's), Ellie, ?, Grace Aldag, Peri, Judi Jankovitz(from MN), ?, Jan, Sue Frish, Me (Linda, Mouse)
Middle: Charlie (handyman), Flip, ?, ?, Lynne Jeffries,?, ?, K.B., Buzzer,?, ?, Bonnie
Sukie, Cathy Ramirez (Ram), Lena Neilson (Sweden), ?, ?, ?, Don,?, ?, ?, ?, Kathy, Ruth, Boni
Top: ?, Wink, Brownie (nurse), Swede,
Mary Lynch, Moe, ? , Ellen Muth,?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?

Bottom L-R: ?, Mary Lynch, Maureen, ?, ?, Don,?, ?, Ellie, ?, Cathy Loudis, Faye Hildenbrand, Linda Hecht (Mouse), Gilda (Splint), ?,Mary Muth, Boni, Char, ?
Middle: ?, Pam Burke, ?, ?, ?, Judy (Glob), ?, ?, KB, Brownie, ?, Cook, ?, Faye Muth, Jan,?, ?, Kathy,????
Top: ?, Swede, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Office Aide, ?, ?, Ruth Klein, ?, ?, ?Name those Staff Members!