Saturday, August 09, 2008

Ellen's Reunion Comments

Hi, it's Ellen Muth Davison!

You asked for comments about the reunion... Wow! It was magical, it really was--more than I even dreamed it could have been. From my point of view now, almost a month distant, what impresses me the most is the quality of the women who were there. What an amazing, accomplished, intresting, fun, exciting group of women. I am so glad to have had the opportunity to one, work at Quidnunc, and two, reconnect with old friends and meet new ones. I'm determined to keep in touch. A million thanks to all who made the reunion possible. Hopefully, even more of us will be able to get together sometime in the future. Ellen

Monday, August 04, 2008

Looking For Quidnunc Alumni!

Debbie Wood
Jeanne E. Thelwell
Gwen Jones
Peggy Johnson (Feeley)
Barbara Thomasy (Bops)
Janet "JoJo" DeCreny
"Bunky" Bailey
"Chinky" Cheryl Rose
Belle Gross
Donna and Lynn Jeffries
Kathy Prime, of Douglaston NY, dad was tugboat captain
"Cass" the counselor in 1969
Ruth "Pokey" Williams, counselor, from Jackson, MI

If you know the whereabouts of any of these Quidnuncers, please email me and we will try to contact them. If you would like me to post any more "lost girls" names, email me at