Saturday, August 09, 2008

Ellen's Reunion Comments

Hi, it's Ellen Muth Davison!

You asked for comments about the reunion... Wow! It was magical, it really was--more than I even dreamed it could have been. From my point of view now, almost a month distant, what impresses me the most is the quality of the women who were there. What an amazing, accomplished, intresting, fun, exciting group of women. I am so glad to have had the opportunity to one, work at Quidnunc, and two, reconnect with old friends and meet new ones. I'm determined to keep in touch. A million thanks to all who made the reunion possible. Hopefully, even more of us will be able to get together sometime in the future. Ellen

1 comment:

  1. Ellen Muth...You were my swim instructer when I was in GREEN water!!! Never forget. I think it was 1967...but who knows. I may be off a year. What a great time to look back on. Life has changed so much. I am a grandmother of 4 now!
    Best regards, Ellen (Foerster)
