When young, camp was the best time
of my childhood. Even if there is no one out there from my time, it does bring back so many good memories. Knowing that talking about camp they know what I am talking about and I know what they are talking about. I remember the smell of honeysuckle on the way down to the lake. Do you remember that? (My troop # was 4- 708. 4 is Queens. Mine was in St. Albans. Our co-leaderwas Mrs Romano. I always went to camp the last two weeks in Aug.)
Judy Caputo
I don't remember the honeysuckle, but the smell of pines and woods always makes me homesick for camp. My troop was from Staten Island, # 5-180..my mom was the leader for years. I usually went to camp in July, but once I went in Aug.
Cindy Cleveland
Our troops were 4-750 and 4-40 in Queens. They were based in the Community Methodist Church in Jackson Heights. My mom was one of the leaders of 4-40 for several years. We moved out of Queens late in 1965, but that was about when Quidnunc was opened up to folks from outside the city.
Pam Crabtree
I came from a troop in the Bronx and went to Quid for the month of Aug every year as a camper. I agree that reading everyone's memories has brought me great joy. Camp was such a big part of my life. Remember the crab apples on the way to the waterfront?
Gilda "Splint"
I don't remember the crab apple tree..? Where was it? I remember having to take those darn salt tablets before a hike, esp. if it was real hot that day. YUCK..Even trying to swallow them with the delicious cold water from the pump, it was hard. I think I faked it most of the time. I remember all the canoe trips from lake to lake. I never got to go on the long distance trips, I wasn't there at the time or didn't qualify. But the last day of the session, we would take the canoes out on the lake and swamp them. That was great fun. We didn't get in trouble and went home the next day. The unit leaders were not too happy with us because they told us not to do it. But back then, we thought we were invincible. That was our one big defiant act all summer...Sitting on the stern, paddling over to the boys camp, and half way back , then oops....Who taught the Junior Lifesaving in 65? Well, I wasn't very good and when she tested me I didn't want to dive down in the mucky bottom of the lake,...sooo..I waited for her to come up and then used the hair pull rescue on her, needless to say I failed.Who ever it was could sink like a rock!
Ok, how about a gross memory?? Do you remember the first day or two we had to go to the infirmary to have the nurse check for head lice and spread your toes for athletes foot? All of us lined up on the porch, spreading our toes one at a time and then someone else picking thru our hair. Guess it wasn't fun for them either.
Cindy Cleveland
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