Melinda O'Sullivan sent some new pictures for the blog.
Click on the photo of tentmates above at right for more.
OK! I'm the one of the far right. The 3rd from the left is KB, the sloe gin fiz girl. We're both from MN.... we rode the Greyhound Bus all the way from St. Paul to NYand we actually put on our white pumps and dresses so we'd arrive in NYC properly dressed. What a laugh that gave everyone at Camp Quidnunc. I did not give anyone my ID so that must have been KB. On the left in the back row is Lena Nielson from Sweden. And on the left side on the front row is Jay, the waterfront director. I can't remember the others. I have a better copy of the picture. I'm still paying for that glorious tan with trips to the dermatologist!!!! Peri
Click on the photo of tentmates above at right for more.

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