Thursday, April 16, 2009

"Willie" Franco looks for Quid friends 1939-1946

“Willie” Franco, now Wilma Franco White wrote the following to me about her years at Quidnunc.

Did you know that Quid was the GS Camp for the girls in QueensNY?  
I guess they opened it up to others at some point in time.   

Here are some of the girls I went to camp with:  

Nancy B Dunham, Doris Ann Heinze (Terry), Jean Patmore, and Anne Dickie all from QueensNY

Another friend that I was a counselor with was Ethel Axelson.

I went to camp from 1939 to 1946.  I was in Sky Blue the first two years.

After that I think it was Caravan. The next year I was in the Apprentice training and then a Counselor.  

Does anyone remember Gay Ford?  She was the director in 1939 and 1940

I also remember Margaret V. Lynch ("Bridgie") and Annie Sue Waldrop. Does anyone remember her nickname?  They were the Co-Directors in 1941. 

I have lots of pictures to go through as I just found my scrapbook from Camp.  My daughter, (Carol “Daisy” White) will post them when she comes to visit.

Wilma Franco White (“Willie”)


  1. Linda Peck Ardrey11:20 AM, April 17, 2009

    Yes, I remember Bridgie. I have a picture of her from 1956. I don't remember who the camp director was that year, but it could have been Bridgie! Or maybe she was just visiting from Scout House. We often had people from the city come up. I guess they loved Quid as much as we did!
    Linda Peck Ardrey

  2. HI Linda, I would love to see the picture... she and my mom were friends, and 1956 is the year I was born...

  3. Hi Kathy, I will get it scanned sometime during the next few days and send it to you in an email. Feel free to add it to my album if you like. Wish you could have been at the reunion - it was awesome!! and I'd like to meet you!
