Sunday, February 22, 2009
Become a "Follower"
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Beth Cruse
Thank you for the memories. I still love singing the songs and still love the harmony parts. What a joy it would be to see the Camp Quidnunc again and to sit around the campfire. I can't wait to conect with the Alumni.
Does anyone remember how Kanawaukee lake got its name? An old Indian had walked across the country and when he got to the shore of the lake, he sat on a stone and declaired, " I kanawaukee no more!"
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Vickie Cruse Sengele
One of my favorite memories was when a young visitor was in the double decker and asked "Is that a pet?" There was a huge snake hanging from the rafters! ANd no, it wasn't a pet! aaauuugh! Such a state of panic!
My absolute most dramatic memory from Camp Quidnunc was when one by one people began to get up during dinner and run to the dining hall rail to throw up. They were vomiting pink koolaid and chicken chunks! I think the whole camp got sick that night. If you weren't actually feeling sick yet, the mere sound of others retching was enough to get you started. I still dream about it every once in awhile!
Marjorie Stamler Snyder, 1942
by Marjorie Stamler Snyder
I'll always remember the 4 weeks that I spent at Camp Quidnunc in 1942. The campfires, the tents late at night (watching the mice run along the posts), the campfires, the sound of rain on the tent, also the open air dining room, are all treasured memories. One of the counselors played the recorder, and it inspired me to learn to play the instrument. It was probably the best summer of my life, and I'm nearly 78 years old.
Judy Ecuyer Rhodes
by Judy (Ecuyer) Rhoades
I went to Quidnunc from Brownie through maybe 8th grade which would have been about 1947-1952 and then returned as a counselor for a year as a college student. I have papers somewhere with the words to most of the songs and many many pictures someplace. Lots and lots of memories (although not too good on names and dates.) I was even a member of a special unit that Ellie had (as a counselor not director) that consisted of all girls who had been to Quidnunc before and we stayed for a full month and got permission to do all sorts of "special" things. And there were some cute kids who came to visit me at home after I was their counselor.
Linda Peck surfaces
Friday, February 06, 2009
New Pictures from Deni