Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lee (Lenny) "Ajax" Price Ellis

Hi: I'm Lee Ellis, Quidnunc alum, camper and staff 1948-58.
Visited Q during my 5oth NYC HS reunion in 2004. I had heard that there had been some vandalism, but had no idea that the camp had been closed all these years. I was expecting the hustle and bustle of getting tents put up, etc. What a SHOCK! to find it not deserted, but completely removed!
Would definitely be interested in future reunions, tho I now live in CA. In 2004. I also visited ST. John's in the Wilderness. It was an unbearably HOT day - can't remember if I visited Claude's grave too. Will check my photos.
Incidentally, all of us are alumnAE of Quidnunc. I almost flunked Latin but I did learn that:
masculine singular plural
alumnus alumni
feminine alumna alumnae
plural of both males and females together: alumni
Miss Walsh would be so proud!
I'm absolutely amazed at the number of women who have the same deep feelings for Quidnunc as I. The blogspot is addictive!!
Hope to meet you at a future alumnae reunion ;)
Lee Ellis
camp name: Ajax

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lee,
    I was at Quid 56 (Neppies) and 57 & 58 (Caravan). What unit(s) were you in (assume staff those years)? I remember someone named Lee (even have a picture of her) who was on administrative staff, but I don't remember someone named Ajax. If you were on staff in a younger unit it's likely our paths would not have crossed. I know what you mean about having the camp "removed". It's still such a beautiful setting though - I just "drank it in" at the reunion. Hope to meet you someday.
