Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lenny Kaufmann Friedman's First Story (for us)

The people I remember most were my Caravan tentmates: Pat (Spargo) Bryan, Anne (Johnson ) Cook, Ann Pfohl, and Barbara Grever, and, of course, Jerri Wachman. Here's a funny Quidnunc story. It's 1938. I am 9 years old in the Brownie Unit. One of the kitchen staff is named Helen Pick. We called her Pixie. Fast Forward. It is 1945. I am 16 and I have a part-time job in Macy's on 34 Street. Across the street in an arcade is a store called "Pick's." I go in, and there she is..Pixie. Fast forward. It is 1973. I have just been appointed to Flushing High School as Chairman of English. At the pre-school faculty meeting I am introduced to the staff, including a librarian about to retire--Helen Pick. "Pixie!" I shout, and I am 9 yearsold again.

No one would be interested in this story, but it's true. and I thought to share it with you.


  1. What are you kidding?? That is a fantasic story!! LOVE IT!!! Just shows you how many of us Quidnunc/Girl Scouts are around and the different careers paths we took...

  2. I agree with Anonymous (I wish our posts wouldn't appear as "Anonymous"). I love this story and don't have anything myself that could rival it.

    Linda Peck Ardrey (want to leave my name just in case this post comes up as anonymous)

  3. You don't have to be anonymous. At the bottom, there is a place to fill in your name (and/or URL if you have a web site)

  4. It says "Comment as: scroll down to name/URL
