Thursday, July 23, 2009

Linda sends new pictures


  1. In the second picture, the woman on the left in the plaid shirt and light shorts is Chet-the nurse.

  2. Judy Gollins-Altheim12:02 PM, July 23, 2009

    I think that in the second picture, the woman in the plaid shirt and light shorts is Chet. She was the nurse before Brownie. She also had a daughter who attended camp all summer-I think her name was Denise Shelley. I am not sure-but I think I am right.

  3. You both are right! I tried to tag the people with no luck. In addition to Chet in the second picture is Bridgie and then Doris Biggio. I don't know the woman on the right. The third picture is to show the lovely camp uniforms we wore in the 50s. The first picture shows Tink swinging her coffee to get the grounds to the bottom (we didn't have a coffeepot in Caravan).
    Linda Peck Ardrey
