There are three other prople on the "do you remember list" that I knew very well. Joan (Jerri) Wachman was a camper with me for several years. She lived in Kew Gardens, and I haven't seen or heard from her sice she left Quidnunc in"45 I think. I would dearly love to know where she is. Nancy Dunham was a prentie in 1943; her sister Jean was a counsellor that year. They lived in Jackson Heights, and she went to Newtown High School, as I did. Maggie was Maggie Magenheimer, the youngest counsellor of the three in Caravan in 1943. The three were Randy (Marjorie Holm), Stevie (Lorraine Stevenson), and Maggie. And Shanty Wu. Lennie |
Glo recently sent me a letter detailing a midnight swim escapade involving Flip...
"Many hot nights when the 3 of us...Cathy, Ellie, and myself...looked for mischief. The idea was to go down to the lake for a "swim" in the Brownies crib. ( I didn't know how to swim, so my buddies were kind enough to stay with me.) One night we caught sight of a lantern moving toward us-until we saw the legs in the light we didn't know it was Bridgie. Wow, did we move fast and of course she read us the riot act. That part of our evening entertainment ceased for the rest of the season. When I returned to Cleveland I received a letter from Bridgie telling me I was fired unless I shaped up. Needless to say I apologized profusely and was able to stay on. Later we found out that Flip-Jean Allen- waterfront director had squealed on us."
“Willie” Franco, now Wilma Franco White wrote the following to me about her years at Quidnunc.
Did you know that Quid was the GS Camp for the girls in
I guess they opened it up to others at some point in time.
Here are some of the girls I went to camp with:
Nancy B Dunham, Doris Ann Heinze (Terry), Jean Patmore, and Anne Dickie all from
Another friend that I was a counselor with was Ethel Axelson.
I went to camp from 1939 to 1946. I was in Sky Blue the first two years.
After that I think it was Caravan. The next year I was in the Apprentice training and then a Counselor.
Does anyone remember Gay Ford? She was the director in 1939 and 1940
I also remember Margaret V. Lynch ("Bridgie") and Annie Sue Waldrop. Does anyone remember her nickname? They were the Co-Directors in 1941.
I have lots of pictures to go through as I just found my scrapbook from Camp. My daughter, (Carol “Daisy” White) will post them when she comes to visit.
Wilma Franco White (“Willie”)
I'll always remember the 4 weeks that I spent at Camp Quidnunc in 1942. The campfires, the tents late at night (watching the mice run along the posts), the campfires, the sound of rain on the tent, also the open air dining room, are all treasured memories. One of the counselors played the recorder, and it inspired me to learn to play the instrument. It was probably the best summer of my life, and I'm nearly 78 years old.
I went to Quidnunc from Brownie through maybe 8th grade which would have been about 1947-1952 and then returned as a counselor for a year as a college student. I have papers somewhere with the words to most of the songs and many many pictures someplace. Lots and lots of memories (although not too good on names and dates.) I was even a member of a special unit that Ellie had (as a counselor not director) that consisted of all girls who had been to Quidnunc before and we stayed for a full month and got permission to do all sorts of "special" things. And there were some cute kids who came to visit me at home after I was their counselor.